Numbers are a fact of life for people with diabetes. There are blood glucose levels. Grams of carb. Units of insulin. Those are all important, but so are the target numbers for screenings that can help you stay healthy for years to come. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you’re at an increased risk of other serious health conditions, including heart, kidney and eye disease.
Here’s a list of some important medical screenings for people with diabetes—and how to make sure you’re in the target zone based on our Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes.
1. A1C
What It Is: A blood test that measures your average blood glucose level over the past two to three months. An A1C of less than 5.7 percent is considered normal; 5.7 to 6.4 percent is considered prediabetes; and an A1C of 6.5 or higher indicates diabetes.
Why You Need It: A high A1C is a sign of frequent high blood glucose, which puts you at risk for complications such as nerve damage, kidney disease and vision impairment.
Target Number: Less than 7 percent for many adults. However, A1C is individualized, and your doctor may give you a higher or lower A1C goal, depending on your needs. For instance, women with diabetes should aim for an A1C as close to normal as possible before trying to get pregnant and during pregnancy. A more relaxed goal may be necessary for kids or adults who experience frequent low blood glucose (hypoglycemia) or who don’t experience symptoms of hypoglycemia (hypoglycemia unawareness). Older adults are more at risk for lows and may have other health complications, such as heart disease, that require extra caution. In these cases, an A1C of less than 8 percent may be appropriate.
How Often: It depends on whether you’re meeting your treatment goals, but usually:
- Every six months if your last A1C was in goal range.
- Every three months if your medications have changed or your last A1C was not in your target range.
Learn More: Get the facts on A1C—and learn how it’s different from the number on your blood glucose monitor.
2. Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio (ACR)
What it is: A urine test that checks how much albumin is in your urine. Albumin is a type of protein, and too much is a sign of kidney damage.
Why You Need it: Early treatment, along with well-managed blood glucose and blood pressure, can prevent or slow the progression of chronic kidney disease.
Target Number: Less than 30 mg/g of urine creatinine
How Often: Once a year, if you have type 2 diabetes or have had type 1 diabetes for at least five years. More frequently, if your previous test above the target.
3. Ankle-Brachial Index
What It Is: A blood pressure reading measured at your ankle. Results are compared with a blood pressure reading from your arm to screen for peripheral artery disease (PAD), a condition in which clogged arteries reduce blood flow to your lower limbs.
Why You Need It: PAD can cause leg pain, weakness and numbness, especially when walking or doing exercises involving the legs. It can also make it more difficult for foot sores to heal, raising your risk for amputation. If you have diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing PAD.
Target Numbers: 0.9 to 1.3
How Often: You need this test only if you have symptoms of PAD.
4. Blood Pressure
What It Is: A measurement of the force of blood flow inside your blood vessels.
Why You Need It: Diabetes raises the risk for high blood pressure, which increases your chances of heart disease, stroke, vision loss and kidney disease.
Target Number: Less than 130/80 mmHg
Learn More:Blood pressure targets should be individualized based on various factors and discussions with your health care provider.
How Often: Get checked at every visit with a health care provider.
5. Bone Mineral Density
What It Is: A scan that helps estimate the density of your bones—usually measured at the hip and spine—and how likely they are to break.
Why You Need It: People with type 1 and type 2 diabetes are at a significantly higher risk for hip fractures and osteoporosis. If you have additional risk factors—such as having previous fractures or having gone through menopause—talk to your doctor about whether you need a bone density scan.
Target Number: A T-score of -1.0 or above. (A T-score indicates how much higher or lower your bone density is than that of a healthy 30-year-old adult.)
Learn More: A T-score between −1.0 and −2.5 indicates low bone density. If your T-score is below −2.5, you have osteoporosis and will need medication.
How Often: Most providers suggest a baseline scan for women when they begin menopause and for men at around age 50.
6. Body Mass Index (BMI)
What It Is: A measure of body fat based on your height and weight.
Why You Need It: Body mass index can indicate whether you’re at a healthy weight, overweight, or obese. Added weight increases your chances of a range of conditions, including prediabetes, type 2 diabetes and heart disease.
Target Numbers: 18.5 to 24.9
How Often: Get checked at every visit with a health care provider. If you know your height and weight, you can get your BMI using ourcalculator.
7. Dilated Eye Exam
What It Is: An eye doctor (optometrist or ophthalmologist) will examine your eyes for signs of diabetic eye disease, including diabetic retinopathy. The doctor will also check for other eye problems, such as glaucoma and cataracts.
Why You Need It: Diabetes puts you at risk for diabetic eye disease.
How Often: It depends on your type of diabetes and how long you’ve had it. Some guidelines:
- People with type 1 diabetes: within five years of diagnosis, then every one to two years after that or more often if you have signs of eye disease
- People with type 2 diabetes: at diagnosis, then every one to two years after that or more often if you have signs of eye disease
- People with any type of diabetes who have eye disease: at least annually
Learn More: The American Diabetes Association has information and resources to help you take control of your eye health. Learn more about our eye health initiative, Focus on Diabetes®.
8. Estimated Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR)
What it is: An estimate of how well your kidneys function. Your eGFR is based on the level of creatinine in your blood and other factors, such as your age and gender.
Why You Need It: People with diabetes have an increased risk for kidney disease.
Target Number: An eGFR higher than 80 ml/min/1.73 m2. Normal is around 100 to 120 ml/min/173 m2.
How Often: Once a year, if you have type 2 diabetes or have had type 1 diabetes for at least five years. At least twice a year if your previous test showed signs of kidney disease.
9. Cholesterol & Triglycerides
What It Is: A series of blood tests, known as a lipid panel, that measures your cholesterol—the waxy, fat-like substance in your blood—and your triglycerides, blood fats that circulate in your bloodstream. The results are broken down into:
- LDL (“bad”) cholesterol
- HDL (“good”) cholesterol
- total cholesterol
- triglycerides
Why You Need It: Diabetes puts you at greater risk for high LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, both of which raise your chance of developing cardiovascular disease.
Target Numbers: Discuss the right target for you with your health care provider—and whether you should be taking a statin.
Why? The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends statin therapy for most adults with diabetes, regardless of their specific lipid levels, based on their cardiovascular risk.
How Often: It depends on your age and other health factors. Some guidelines:
- Adults with diabetes under age 40: at diagnosis and at least every five years afterward. If the results are abnormal, or if you have long-standing diabetes, you may need more frequent screenings.
- At age 40 and/or when you start statin medications to treat high cholesterol. Four to 12 weeks after beginning medication, you’ll get retested to make sure you’re on the right dose. If your numbers look good, you’ll repeat it annually.